
Closing concert of the TONALi Festival

Academicians of the TONALi Stage Academy / Stegreif Orchester
Sat 06.07.2024 | 7.30 pm | Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
» Youtube Live recording

» Concerts of the German Guitar and Mandolin Youth Orchestra

Works by a.o. Mozart, Schoenberg, Kuwahara
Lisa Hummel (conductor)
Charlotte Kaiser / Clara Weise / Laura Engelmann (organization)
Fri 26.07.2024 | 7.30 pm | Kaufmannskirche Erfurt
free entrance + » Livestream on YouTube
Sat 27.07.2024 | 7.30 pm | Festsaal | Wartburg Eisenach

» Buy tickets | 25-15€, reduced 50%

» 48. Festival International de Plectro de La Rioja

NOROC Quartet:
Charlotte Kaiser (mandolin) / Jolina Beuren (mandolin) / Maja Schütze (mandola) / Philipp Lang (guitar)
Tue 20.08.2024 - 25.08.2024 | Logroño | La Rioja (ESP)

» Saarbrücker Sommermusik

NOROC Quartet:
Charlotte Kaiser (mandolin) / Jolina Beuren (mandolin) / Maja Schütze (mandola) / Philipp Lang (guitar)
Sun 01.09.2024 | 5 pm | Schinkelkirche Bischmisheim

CMSA Convention 2024

» Classical Mandolin Society of America (Organisation)
Concerts, workshops, masterclasses with Charlotte Kaiser
Tue 29.10.2024 - 03.11.2024 | Hyatt Regency | Rochester, NY (USA)


Sun 10.11.2024 | 5 pm | St. Marienkirche | Isernhagen KB